Friday, January 20, 2012

Newport, Rhode Island

In March 2011, I was just done with a major exam at Grad school in Boston. After long hours of studying and working, I felt a strong urge to take a break and get out of the city. So, my friends and I rented a car, packed a little picnic and headed out. Destination – Newport, Rhode Island.

Newport is about 75 miles south of Boston. Once you get there, the best way to explore is to walk.

The highlights of Newport are the Mansions. At the turn of the 20th century rich industrialists of America build their summer homes in Newport. About ten of these magnificent abodes are now open to public. Almost all mansions are within walking distance of each other on and around Bellevue Avenue. A walk along this avenue is a must when you visit. It is a tree lined street and you can see the mansions and their beautiful landscapes in the backdrop as you walk. Most mansions offer guided tours and have different hours of operation every season so you may want to plan your trip accordingly.

The Elms Mansion

I recommend a walk along Bowen’s wharf and Commercial wharf. The waterfront restaurants on the wharf are great. My favorite is - “The Deck” on Waites Wharf. Delicious food with beautiful views of the harbor, the little boats and the sails sailing away.

Huge Anchor at Bowen’s Wharf

There are a ton of local boutiques, galleries and cafés along cobblestone roads. If you like to collect pieces of art or fine jewelry you will not be disappointed and even if you hate shopping you will certainly fall in love with the ambiance.

Market Square

Newport Rhode, Island has a very colonial feel to it. Its grandeur is enchanting and its location is mesmerizing. It has many Victorian style hotels, I recommend at least an overnight stay. 

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